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Kitty Hawk Flyer

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

What: A personal, electric, vertical takeoff and landing flying vehicle. In the time I worked at the company, I worked on two major vehicles, both for the Flyer team.

Why: Traffic is terrible, and we want to open up the skies to be usable for small scale, personal transportation.

When: I started part time work on this project December 2015, and worked part time during the school year and full time in the summers until January 2018.

My role: I was an intern at the company for three years, working on nearly all mechanical and electrical aspects of the project. When I joined, the team was less than ten people, and it is now a team of more than 40. I led a mechanical and electrical redesign of battery packs for improved mass efficiency and worked with manufacturers to execute the design. Other projects included designing and building experimental aircraft, designing and executing efficiency tests, and creating mounting strategy for avionics.

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